Avon Descent 2010
7 Aug 2010
Event Totals
GenderEnteredFinishersFastest TimeAverage Time

Category Totals
GenderCategoryEnteredFinishersFastest TimeAverage Time
FemaleDouble Kayak1   
 Single Kayak Wild2   
 Long Plastic17   
 Short Plastic9   
 Team of 2 Single1   
 Team of 4 Single1   
MaleSingle Kayak40   
 Double Kayak12   
 Single Kayak Wild5   
 Long Plastic270   
 Short Plastic47   
 Double Plastic13   
 Double Plastic Mixed5   
 Single Surf Ski22   
 Double Surf Ski14   
 Double Surf Ski Mix2   
 Team of 2 Single61   
 Team of 2 Single Mix3   
 Team of 4 Single18   
 Team of 4 Single Mix7   
 Team of 8 Double1