South 32 Rottnest Channel Swim
26 Feb 2022
Page 9 of 9 (404 items)
FavPosRace NoShareNameNameTimeTimeCat Pos
(Gen Pos)
CategoryCat PosTime Behind CatGenderGen PosSwimmer1Swimmer2Swimmer3Swimmer4AddAgeDistPaceWave
Yes Dear Yes Dear #1032
Female 100+
StartedStarted100+FemaleLynn DiqueAmi DiqueAmy Van Der MerweLeanne Van14719.7Wave 12 100+ Mix & F Purple
Zoah's Arc Zoah's Arc #1034
Female 100+
StartedStarted100+FemaleHannah LawranceZoe SimmonsAmanda BourkeOlivia Davison11519.7Wave 12 100+ Mix & F Purple
Win Or Booze Win Or Booze #1027
Female 100+
StartedStarted100+FemaleMichaela RossCambelle PawleGabrielle NindAbbey Oconnell10519.7Wave 12 100+ Mix & F Purple
Doinæ It For Don Doinæ It For Don #1025
Female 100+
StartedStarted100+FemaleBryanna St JackNicolette BeardKate RastonNicole Moriarty10819.7Wave 12 100+ Mix & F Purple
Page 9 of 9 (404 items)